Arbor Flora Group
We are a friendly club of members who enjoy flowers, flower arranging and gardens. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month in Highclere Village Hall at 2pm with demonstrations of five different flower arrangements.

EWH Neighbourcare
EWH Neighbourcare are an enthusiastic and very friendly group of about 25 volunteers who, if you need help, can drive yo to hospital, to your doctor’s surgery, dentist and other places or collect prescriptions for you.

Highclere Film Club
The Club's aim is to offer a mix of Hollywood, foreign language, independent and classic films in a convivial setting with the ‘big screen’ experience. The Club has film evenings on the first and third Thursdays of the month.

Highclere Parish Church
The parish church of St Michael and All Angels sits between Highclere Castle & the main part of the village. This 'new' church (1870s) replaced a much older church sited adjacent to Highclere Castle.

Highclere Society
The Society was formed in 1996 by Patrick Hedgeland as Chair and a small committee. Initially our aim was to help the Parish Council to fight inappropriate development whilst supporting charities through local events.

Neighbourhood Watch
Highclere Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, operates via “volunteer watch co-ordinators.” Neighbourhood Watch is a method of developing close liaison between households, the local police and other relevant agencies.

Poetry Club
If you enjoy a good poem, why not join us! We’re a friendly, informal group, meeting every few weeks - bring a favourite poem (or two) to read (or have read), anything from a limerick to Larkin and beyond.

Woolton Hill Gardening Club
A thriving club with more than 75 members. Monthly meetings with illustrated talks. Speakers from the wider world of horticulture. Visits to gardens in the south of England. Christmas party and summer events to enjoy.

Woolton Hill Market
Woolton Hill and Highclere Village Market is a popular community event that’s going from strength to strength. Hundreds of visitors come along to support small and local businesses, and to meet up with friends and neighbours.