
We are a friendly club of members who enjoy flowers, flower arranging and gardens. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month in Highclere Village Hall at 2 pm, when we generally have a flower demonstration. Twice a year we have a members’ day when we do something ourselves or visit a nearby garden.

Find Out More

The club meets on the third Tuesday of the month, every month except August. Our year starts in March when we generally have a flower demonstration, where the demonstrator creates five different arrangements. and ends in February with our AGM followed by a speaker. On two of the other months, a theme is chosen and members do their own arrangement or we might otherwise visit a garden. In December we finish with a Christmas tea, for which each member brings a plate of food. Our demonstrations usually last between one and a half to two hours and we finish with a cup of tea, a biscuit and a chat.

Join Us

If you are interested in finding out more about the club or coming along to join us, please contact one of the committee on either of the following email addresses or telephone numbers. A visitor can come along twice as a guest before being asked to join.

Sue Wakelin:

 [email protected].

01635 253297


Lynne McManus:

[email protected].

07775 911866