The Society was formed in 1996 by Patrick Hedgeland as Chair and a small committee. Initially our aim was to help the Parish Council to fight inappropriate development. The first public meeting attracted only 30 people or so, raising our profile and funding became a priority. We therefore started. Programme with events such as the BBQ, Wine Tasting and History Group etc. After 25 years we have over 300 members, we hope that we reflect what our members would like us to do by supporting a different local charity each year.
We have supported many local charities over the years, in the last 5 years we have raised Newbury Soup Kitchen: £3,079. Time to Talk £1,522. Medical Detection Dogs £1,400. Bruce’s Boats £2,123 & The Alzheimer’s Association £1,524. We are always happy to hear of local charities that you think would benefit from our support.
The Committee

Phil Wrigley
Chairman, who tries to keep the committee in order. Part of the planning team and liaises with the Parish Council. Works on BBQ and logistics.

Gus MacIver
Treasurer/Deputy Chairman who, like a true Scot keeps a tight rein on the Society’s purse strings.

Ian Briggs
Member of the founding committee. Secretary extraordinaire, our link to the Village Hall and keeper of all things alcohol. Works on the infrastructure and logistics of the BBQ.

David Small
Aficionado of all things Gazebo related, also keeper of the alcohol. Also works on the logistics of the BBQ.

Martin Osgood
Keeps Everyone grounded. Hot on Health and Safety. BBQ tables and numbers organiser. Part of the New Events Team and some work with Colin on the Neighbourhood Plan.

Mark Bartholemew
Our History buff, there is nothing he doesn’t know about the history of Highclere. He is our milestone monitor and Deputy Secretary.

Colin Wall
Our number crunching and data man, also our link to the Neighbourhood Planning Team. Keeps an eye on planning developments. On the subcommittee planning team.

Christine Leah
The Queen of all things raffle and Auction for the BBQ – she is like a dog with a bone, and always manages to get what she wants. Part of the New Events Team

Sally Wrigley
Keeps the Chairman in order! Organises the Carol singing, part of the Web Development Team, and the New Events Team. Hands out welcome packs to families moving into the village.

Patrick Hedgeland
Founder Member and now Lifetime President.

Jane Smith
Our resident Tech person, producer of the Newsletter to go to our members and part of the Parish Website Team.

Traci Sharp
Organiser of food for events along with making all things pretty. Part of the Parish Website Team and the New Events Team.