
Highclere Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, operates via “volunteer watch co-ordinators.” Neighbourhood Watch is a method of developing close liaison between households, the local police and other relevant agencies. The aim of Neighbourhood Watch is to help you protect yourself and your property and to reduce the fear of crime in our community through: improved home security.

Your Highclere Organiser

If you wish to join Highclere Neighbourhood Watch, or you do not know who your watch co-ordinator is, contact me on [email protected] or 01635254026. Please include your full name, address and telephone number, for me to pass on to the relevant person. (Ron, can you give me a few sentences about your role eg. What you do)

Your Local Area
Watch Co-ordinators

Ron Snipp

I liaise with all the Watch Co-ordinators and the local Police, to pass information (usually when someone has seen something suspicious.)

What We Do

  • Each Co-ordinator has a designated area within the village to oversee.  
  • We pass on information about anything suspicious.
  • Liaising with people under our area.
  • Reporting anything suspicious to the police or the correct agency.


  • It shows members of the Community are looking out for one another.
  • It keeps you up to date with what is going on in our area.
  • It can help prevent and tackle crime in our community
  • It may save you money on your home insurance.

Cold Calling

We have a “No Cold Calling Zone” which was endorsed by 97%of residents and has had a great effect in reducing the number of doorstep sellers who used to pester us.  Remember, if someone visits you unannounced, to try to sell you something at the door, advise them that they whould not be doing so, as Highclere is a “No Cold Calling Zone” and refuse to buy.  Then contact your NHW co-ordinator to advise of the incident – they will inform others and contact the police.  Of course, if the person is aggressive, close the door and dial the police on 101 immediately, to report the incident.